
Simply Blogging

Fault-Tolerant System

Fault-Tolerant System

Creating a fault-tolerant microservices system in .NET Core involves implementing various resilience and fault handling patterns such as retries, circuit breakers, and timeouts.

Pramod Pramod
Inter-microservice communication validation using IdentityServer4

Inter-microservice communication validation using IdentityServer4

Inter-microservice communication validation using IdentityServer4 involves several key steps to ensure that each service can securely identify and authenticate requests from other services in the system. This process typically leverages the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant, where each microservice acts as an OAuth 2.0 client. Here's a breakdown of the steps and an example implementation in a .NET environment:

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Mediator vs gRPC

Mediator vs gRPC

When comparing Mediator and gRPC, we're looking at two distinct technologies primarily designed for inter-process communication (IPC), but they operate at different levels and are suited for different purposes. Understanding the key aspects of each can help determine which might be best suited for a particular use case.

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Understanding PUT vs. POST vs. PATCH in C# APIs

Understanding PUT vs. POST vs. PATCH in C# APIs

In web development, understanding when and how to use HTTP methods such as PUT, POST, and PATCH is crucial for creating RESTful APIs. Each method plays a unique role in resource manipulation over the network. Let’s dive into the specifics of these methods, their use cases in a C# API, and how they affect the state of the resources on the server.

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Unveiling New Features in the AKS VS Code Extension: Enhancing Kubernetes Development

Unveiling New Features in the AKS VS Code Extension: Enhancing Kubernetes Development

The Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) VS Code extension has always been a powerful tool for developers working with Kubernetes, offering a seamless integration into the VS Code environment. Thanks to valuable feedback from our community, we're excited to introduce several new features that further simplify and enhance the Kubernetes development experience.

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Dynamics 365 Retail MPOS

Dynamics 365 Retail MPOS

Cloud POS is a hosted version of Modern POS, and varies only in the way that it is rendered on specific devices or in specific browsers. Additionally, Modern POS supports offline mode and therefore a local CRT. Other native peripheral support is also specific to Modern POS.

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Disconnected device updates

Disconnected device updates

Microsoft Connected Cache is an intelligent, transparent cache for content published for Device Update for IoT Hub and can be customized to cache content from other sources like package repositories as well.

Pramod Pramod